Hello 🧡

I am Dasha — your guide to the world of structural blogging!

Here is only a small part of the usefulness that you can use in your blog and life, and even more is in my blogs on Instagram and Telegram

My Social Network

Даша🦊[структурный контент]

Instagram (@dar_moryaa)




  1. First, click “duplicate” in the upper-right corner of the screen and copy the diary to your Notion page to edit

If you haven't seen my tutorial on using Notion for beginners yet, check it out here — https://t.me/dar_morya/1659

  1. Write down your ideas in the second plate, attach references or text there
  2. Open the card of the social network you are running, add content to any of the tables and it will appear automatically in other tables of this social network. Each card can be filled in at your discretion. For example, write a storytelling text
  3. Then go back to the first “tasks” table and add what you need to do now. When you start to complete the task, move it to the next column or just change it inside the card to “in progress” </aside>



Social Media